Cat Health

Junior Cats


7mths – 2yrs (7-24yrs human age) 

These guys are naughty! Just like teenage children they will test your patience but you will love them even more for the personalities they grow into.

These guys still have some growing to do but are almost adults

Below will help you to determine the right care for your growing junior cat


Veterinary care required and how often to get it

Health check and physical exam – every 6-12months

Vaccination – 1 year after their course of kitten vaccines and then every 1-3 years based on each individual cat’s needs

Weight checks – can be performed at health checks or more regularly if required for health reasons.

Microchip – this should already be done, but if not book it in as soon as possible

Worming – every 3-12months depending on lifestyle

Flea and tick treatment – monthly or less often depending on the chosen product

Desexing – If not already done, should be performed as soon as possible

Blood pressure checks – not required unless indicated for health reasons

Urine tests – not required unless indicated for health reasons

Blood tests – not required unless indicated for health reasons or your cat is undergoing an anesthetic.


*These recommendations may vary between vets; these suggestions are based on our desire to keep your cats safe and happy!


Tips for helping your junior cat flourish

Allow them to explore!

If your cat can have access to a safe, enclosed garden or outside area please let them outside! Cats of this age are very active and love to run around on the grass, hide in bushes and roll around on the ground. Keeping them safe while giving them outside access is paramount, so if you live in a busy neighbourhood with a lot of traffic or other gardens with dogs, you may have to keep them inside (and give them enrichment in other ways) or keep them contained to your yard only – our staff all use Oscillots in their gardens (specialised rollers that sit atop your fence-line to prevent cats from climbing out) , which work very well!

Similarly if you give them balcony access, please ensure they cannot jump onto railings and inadvertently fall off – high-rise injuries in cats are very common.


Indoor enrichment

If your cats cannot have outside access safely then turn your home into a cat haven kitty playground extravaganza!

There are many cat enrichment ideas; a quick Google search will show you wall mounted cat furniture, filled with steps, hammocks and more! Never underestimate the allure of a cardboard box though!

Other ideas to keep your indoor kitty entertained include, rotating their toys, using cat nip, and maze feeders to engage their senses.


And as with younger kittens keep them safe and well feed see here for more info